The World Benevolent Council is a social-based executive council designed for three purposes that make up its global mission. They are as follows: 1) To promote global internetworking between every society of people on earth, furthering benevolent compassion. 2) To establish a world benevolent center for the purposes of uplifting human empathy and goodwill. 3) To give generous support to both The Society For World Advancement and The Society For World Peace.

Our Story

The World Benevolent Council began in 1995 as an idea to integrate The United Societies two societies, The Society For World Advancement, and The Society For World Peace in common interest.  As the council began to evolve it found that the idea of benevolent goodwill was equally important in human affairs.  Today in the 21'st century the council is an independent organization of global benevolence and a support organization for The Society For World Advancement and The Society For World Peace.

Our Philosophy 

  • The philosophy of our membership/services is very simple, that is to exhort the survival and well-being of "the spirit of life" in humankind,  and our earth's biosphere.
The Dominion

The World Benevolent Council began as a benevolent-minded idea after originating The United Societies two world societies and was intended to be a support organization.  It started as a model for human advancement and constructive peace, in 1978, and was supposed to be a treatise on human and sustainable development for academic study.  As it evolved it was concluded that its mission was not just for educational purposes, but more so, a benevolent organized approach to life in our time.




Our Goals?

  • Our goal at The World Benevolent Council is to improve the relationship amongst humanity for the purpose of benevolent leadership in human civilization!